Appropriately titled; consider yourself forewarned about poems marked with the following tags.
It’s been more than a little painful and at times almost too embarrassing to post 20 year-old writing with only technical edits.
Chapter 1 – Made in the U.S.A.
is a small sampling of the 333-page “manuscript” I created in 1995 from what survived the heavy sword of maturity ie. age. It appears to be a five-year chronicle of what I thought at the time was a harrowing journey into womanhood. Short trip! Funny how we come full circle.
Chapter 2 – Suomea, Suomea
Another installment of material taken from the original manuscript compiled in 1995—A Poet’s Toil. I thought it was lost forever until a most faithful friend quite unexpectedly gave me a ream of loose paper in a Kinko’s box. In this chapter I’m 18. I just graduated from high school and am spending nine months in Finland with a journal named “Lofty”. Let the memories ensue.
Chapter 3 – The Trinity
The “trinity” is a concept I found inherent in everything at the ripe old age of 23. This is the last chapter and the only one I actually typed in its entirety before writing this summary and posting new entries. In 1995, the world looked much different in my eyes. I couldn’t have imagined how many ways my life has changed, but in some ways I will always be the same. I still love the way jade feels in my hand and the smell of eucalyptus. And I’m still writing.