Time is the thinnest blade
We shared it sharp
Shaving Dalbergia
An oily quarter turn
On the band you saw
Smelling of roses
This Friday night and decided
You’d cut yours from the top
Mine(d) a little deeper
Struck dumb in the know(ledge)
You recall(ed) 7, 114 or 72,000 times ago
Cor(responding) to a scale
Of dimensionless quality
Producing a note
lower gravity specifically
Characterizing a pitch
A pitch you threw
Away for good
For good measure
Measured in frequency
A sound theory
Over waves of molecular harmonics
I laminated your toughness
Over(tones) of longing no longer
No longer than the one
The one neither creates.
But for the one who excites
The one who neither creates nor destroys
But has the power to change
To change everything as you know it
As you know it, five fingers equals five ways
My pinkies are yours
Our twin sides cut from same
Hip to grain
On either side of the pull
Adequately figured
Calculations adjusted for dark matter
The side we share
Opens to the match(less) flame