Chapter 1 – Concerning the sirens

I remember them

The sirens

It seems dogs would howl in warning

Or lamenting untold disasters

Prepare me for the sound

Deafening –

The sound and

Blinding –

The lights and

Tragic –

The scene awaiting.

Yes, I have seen

That of which you speak

Walking down some dark alley

My mind’s eye peering ‘round.

Feet like four

Then I run –

I run all the way home.

Forgetting the comfort

Of walking alone.

3 comments to “Chapter 1 – Concerning the sirens”
3 comments to “Chapter 1 – Concerning the sirens”
  1. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award « Katherine Givens

    • Thank you so much! I have just moved to another country and am getting back to work a bit at a time. Continue the beautiful blogging.

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