You know that moment when you can hear the wind coming but it isn’t here yet?

I love that sound
It’s the sound of the future
Here but not yet present
It’s reality already very apparent to the attentive
To your decisions
Like the decision to go outside
Like the decision to listen
The decision you made to stay
When everyone else left
And you were left alone
With only the sound of the wind
The promise of something
The promise of a future
You know nothing of
But that it sounds comforting
Like the ocean
Like a strong wind in the branches of very large trees
Swaying back and forth
An invisible tangible energy
A sound, a respiration
A wave hello from a stranger
That thing that keeps you bound
Connected to another, a friend
A lover – even after they’ve gone
After I’ve gone
I hope some people show up
To say goodbye
And breathe into the night
Some words of comfort
For the future
For those left behind
For the wind
For the wind to carry
Somewhere into a present
That isn’t here yet
And that someone
Will listen
And that someone will hear
My breath
My last breath
Come roaring through the forest like a freight train
As they stand in stillness
Watching the heavy branches move forward
And back

3 comments to “You know that moment when you can hear the wind coming but it isn’t here yet?”
3 comments to “You know that moment when you can hear the wind coming but it isn’t here yet?”
  1. I love that I think I know what you are saying but there are just enough disjunct overtones to make me doubt it. Hope you are well loiness.

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